We have introduced “Portable Vertical Farming Frame & Pipes” to produce Green Leafy Vegetable at home & advantages are,
Assemble the Portable Model as per the instruction given in a Manual / Leaflet. Installation of frame is a simple assembly of SKD frame with nuts & bolts with both the strips for Microgreen Trays.
Some of the countless vegetable cultures that can be grown in vertical farms, like…
For “Organic Seeds” or called “Deshi Seeds” you may purchase locally or we recommend a “Bijmata”
(Winner of Award from The President of India)
Mrs. Rahibai Soma Popere (Bijmata)
Post: Kombhalo,
Taluka: Akole,
Dist: Ahmednagar
Maharashtra – 422601 (India)
Mobile: 7499698195
Details of Mumbai (India) based nurseries to purchase seeds :
Please contact us for more information